Pastoral Staff





Rev. Jim Golingo

Lead Pastor      


Rev,  Jim became the lead Pastor of FAAC in September 2016. He is an ordained minister of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. He is married to Sis. Olwyne. They have been blessed with four children: Micah, Mikee, Jotham and Josanna. 




Denise Deluna

Church Administrator/CE      


Denise is a consecrated licensed worker of the C&MA. She has been serving as church administrator of FAAC for many years. She also oversees the Christian Education of the church. She is passion about making disciples. She is married to Bro. Jacob who is one of our worship leaders. They are so grateful to have JC and Charise as their children.









nestor lopez



Bro. Nestor does a great job in handling the Church's finances. He is married to Sis. Patty and they have been blessed with five grown children - Johannes, James, Kristine, John and Jerome. They are also proud to have ten grandchildren.







Bro. Nitoy is serving as an elder and he is actively involved in the Senior Bible Study Group.  He is married to Sis. Fe. They have been blessed with three grown children.






Deacons and Deaconesses



richard pruneda

deacon/Men's Ministry


Bro. Richard is serving as our church deacon and he is also the Men's Ministry Coordinator. He is married to Sis. Darla and they are blessed to have two children, Ethan & Megan.







Bro Manny is serving as one of our church deacons. He is also the assisting treasurer. He is married to Sis. Cherry who is a member of the worship team.  They have three wonderful kids, Francis, Shawn & Therese.




Isagani de guzman

deacon/worship MINISTRY


Bro. Isagani heads the Worship Ministry of FAAC. He is passionate about worship and he is a one of our worship leaders. He is married to Sis. Cristina and they have been blessed with a son, Joshua Daniel.








Bro. Moses is serving as one of our church deacons and he is also the coordinator of the Safety & Security Team. He is married to Sis. Jen who is actively serving in the Women's Ministry. They are blessed to have one beautiful girl, Ellie.





deaconess/board secretary


Sis. Lea is serving as one of our church deaconesses and she is also the Board Secretary. She is married to Bro. Lyndon who serves as a Small Group leader. They are happy to have Joshua as their son who is in college.




conie alagar

deaconess/koinonia ministry


Sis. Conie heads the Koinonia or Fellowship Ministry of FAAC.  She is a teacher by profession and she is married to Bro. Rosh.